P9 - Expanding the glycoanalytical toolbox: glycan profiling for the analysis of sialylated and neutral glycosphingolipids
To fully explore the roles of sialoglycans in biological models, pathways, and diseases we have to develop and to apply rapid and sensitive glycoanalytical tools capable to detect complex glycan structures and to monitor dynamic changes in the cell surface glycan pattern in limited biological samples. Glycan profiling by multiplexed capillary gel electrophoreses coupled to laser-induced fluorescence detection (xCGE-LIF) has been widely applied for the analysis of N-glycans with superior sensitivity compared to commonly applied mass spectrometric-based approaches. Now, we have transferred the methodology to the analysis of glycosphingolipid (GSL)-derived glycans, including a first proof-of-concept study on human induced pluripotent stem cells and derived cardiomyocytes. To allow a broad range application of the novel technology, we will build-up an extended glycan reference panel with particular focus on sialylated GSLs, commonly known as gangliosides. This will allow us to monitor developmental changes in the pattern of sialylated and neutral GSLs during differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells and to define novel glycan-based markers for the identification of specific cell types. Moreover, we will provide glycan profiling as well as mass spectrometric-based glyco- and glycoproteomic analytics to other groups of this consortium.

apl. Prof. Dr. Falk Büttner
Principal Investigator
Hannover Medical School
Institute of Clinical Biochemistry
Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1
30625 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 532-8245